
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fontaine Cooley

I recently had the good fortune to learn of the band Fontaine Cooley, and to see them play live. It was pure serendipity - I saw on Facebook that my ex-bandmate John Childers was playing solo as an opening act at a local music store. We like live music, and had no plans that evening, so we went out to see him.

John is well worth seeing, and did a lovely set of original songs, accompanying himself on the acoustic guitar.

Then Fontaine Cooley came on, and we were blown away from the opening notes. They're a four-piece acoustic band: guitar, mandolin, bass, drums (only the drummer was wearing what looked like a video game console around his neck - apparently it's called a zen drum.) I found out later that they sometimes play with a fifth member (on alto sax.)

It's all instrumental music - no vocals. I'm not sure how to categorize it - sometimes it sounds like light jazz, but it can also sound folky, and sometimes a little bluegrassy. But category doesn't matter, it's great music and tremendous musicianship.

We took in their set with much appreciation, then bought a CD ("Cheyney Sessions"), which I've been wearing out, and even chatted for a few minutes with guitarist Peter Hayes. I told him that his playing reminded me somewhat of Andy McKee, and I wasn't surprised at all that he knows Andy and has played with him.

It was a fantastic night of music. We agreed that we would go out and see them again in a heartbeat.

Here are some YouTube selections by Fontaine Cooley:

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