
Friday, April 1, 2011

Fat Bottomed Girls

As everyone knows, they make the rockin' world go round.

We've added one final song to our set list - Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls.  I don't remember who suggested it, but we all loved the idea, and it was unanimous to add it.  There was some thought that maybe our significant others wouldn't appreciate this song, but they're fine with it.  The reaction I got was something along the lines of, "Play it, it's a great song.  But if you dedicate it to me, you're a dead man."  Warning taken.

I did some YouTube research and found that it's easy to play - basically a three-chord song in D, and in drop-D tuning, which I've never done before.  Drop-D just means tuning the low E string down a whole step to D.  This lets you play the two bottom strings open as a D power chord.  It's not hard, and sounds great.

Since we have three singers in the band, they've worked out the harmony to the beginning "Aaaaare you gonna take me home tonight", etc.  Also, Eric has decided to just sing, which means that I'm alone on the guitar.  That's a different (and very cool) feeling.

Sarah heard me practicing this tonight, and her reaction was sheer horror.  I believe her words were, "That's wrong on so many levels."  I could only laugh and apologize for mortifying her.

YouTube links to the song, and the guitar lesson.

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