
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Holding the Pick

...and right-hand technique in general

I've mentioned a few times that I took three months of guitar lessons two years ago, and what a rewarding experience it was. I still work on the basics that he had me drill in. But there was one thing he told me repeatedly that I never "got."

I held my pick with my thumb on one side and two fingers on the other (the index and the middle.) He said that was just plain wrong - and I've also heard that in other places. But it's habit and it basically works for me - though I know my picking technique is a weak spot, so why not try to do it right?

Anyway, he wanted me to hold the pick between my thumb and my curled index finger. I tried, and it never felt remotely comfortable - so when I stopped the lessons, I reverted to my old form.

Fast-forwarding to last week, I saw a set of YouTube mandolin basics lessons spoken highly of. I took a look, and one of the lessons was right-hand technique. She said the same things my guitar teacher said, and when I tried it, it actually felt good. I guess something just didn't click two years ago, but I think I get it now.

I'm trying to hold the pick this way exclusively, both on mandolin and guitar. The old/wrong way of holding it is a deeply ingrained habit, but I'm trying to play scales and finger exercises on both instruments every day, in the hope of burning in a new habit.

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